Guest Experience Shared By Our Guest Mr. Shripal Singh

Guest Experience

The property is beautiful and beyond my expectation.

It takes you to a different time giving a glimpse of what royalty must have been.

Beautiful artwork all around the property especially in the lobby and restaurant.
Very well maintained property, with cheerful and extremely courteous staff.
Loved awesome food served with lots of love.

Best wishes and would like to visit again.

Best Hotels in Sikar Rajasthan – Hotel Annpurna Regency

How to identify a good standalone property?

Generally travelers book brands with high expenses and loose out on a good deal that could have saved not only money but also an experience of some amazing hotel in that city. These are the hotels generally run by owners themselves or by a talented. Managers who create great experiences during your stay.

You not only save money for yourself or for your company but it is also about missing on amazing experiences that you may cherish for lifetime. We completely agree there are certain things that cannot be compromised at all , like – protection, security and hygiene .

Finding a good  standalone hotel is always a challenging task. How we can use Google to do so.

Five (5) simple tricks to identify a good hotel:

  • Check the website: Hotels who keeps their website and social media pages  updated are very active hotels. Their website are really informative and guide you really well. Let it be about city , property , facility or service.
  • Feed back is important: Hotels who are service oriented  will always give importance to what the guest are talking about them. Bad reviews are accepted gracefully, as  hotel staff are bound to make mistakes , but most important is how they further wonk on feed back.
    Even when hotel has newly started its operations, it takes time to setup team and process. So bad reviews or complaints guide hotel to understand guest requirement and implement things accordingly.
  • Videos and picture published on social media: When was the last video or picture uploaded about the property. As every property goes through renovations and modifications. So videos and pictures uploaded by guest and hotel will help you understand facilities better.
  • Variation in price: A well managed hotel will not have much variation in price although the prices are more dynamic now in hotel and vary based on traffic expectancy.
  • Packages  and promotions: The type o;f promotions and packages help us understand what kind of guest hotel cater to ( Corporate / Leisure / Business travelers / Family ).

Choose The Annpurna Residency – Sikar – Experience Luxury uncompromised.